Brainstorming for UDS-P

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at
Tue Sep 27 05:02:05 UTC 2011

On Monday, September 26, 2011 06:58:45 PM Barry Warsaw wrote:
> The python-dbus issue is a tricky one.  I understand that it's a blocker for
> KDE.

Python-opengl is another one.  

While I know PyQt4 and PyKDE4 have Python3 ports, I have not examined how 
complete they are, but I'm sure they need more upstream work as well.  There 
are also quit a number of Python based applications that, AFAIK, are unported 
in KDE.

If you aim your minimum Python version at 2.6, it's not that hard to write 
code that works with both python and python3.  If you want a "P" target for 
Python3, I'd suggest getting Ubuntu custom code working in either so that we 
can through the switch when ready would be a really good goal.

Scott K

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