Pulseaudio dependency, if Debian can do it ...

rosea.grammostola rosea.grammostola at gmail.com
Fri Jun 24 11:26:41 UTC 2011

On 06/24/2011 01:08 PM, rosea.grammostola wrote:
> Hi,
> A group of (professional) Linuxaudio users prefer to have a system
> without Pulseaudio. How nice Pulseaudio can be for 'consumer audio', it
> can be a pain on a professional audio system. That's why some people
> prefer to stick with just ALSA and JACK. On most systems this is not a
> problem at all, like Fedora and even on Debian, but on Ubuntu it is.
> This raises the question why ubuntu-desktop has Pulseaudio integrated in
> such a way that almost the whole desktop system seems to depend on it.
> There isn't a good way to remove Pulseaudio from Ubuntu! This is very
> ugly and not a good way to handle things in the Linux world.
> Why? If you can remove pulseaudio easily on Debian, why is it so
> freaking hard on Ubuntu? What is the best place to report this major bug?
> Thanks in advance,
> \r

Ah it looks I am not the only one who really is getting sick of this! 
Since the introduction of Pulseaudio in Ubuntu you guys (sound / desktop 
related devs) got plenty of feedback from the community, but you are 
doing still the worst job in the Linux world, even while Debian provides 
you with a good example! The PA main developer himself curses Ubuntu 
(ok.. it has been a while ..) Argggg!!!



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