Unity and Classic

Shane Fagan shanepatrickfagan at ubuntu.com
Thu Dec 1 15:33:43 UTC 2011

On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 1:25 PM, Ronan Lucio <ronanlucio at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Carlos,
> I'm not sure about it.
> I know there are so many users prefering the old gnome style.
> I think the best option would be a simple way to config which interface the
> users prefers, like on 11.04 version.
> So the user could choice between Unity, Gnome3 or Gnome-Fallback (Classic)
> But it think this option must exists for all Ubuntu versions.

There is an option just install gnome classic. Splitting our efforts
helps no one and pulls resources away from making Ubuntu keep up with
what Windows 8 is going to be doing. Id say if you don't like
something in Unity you should share your experience and preference and
see if there is something more we could be doing just saying I don't
like it doesn't really help anyone understand why you don't like it.


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