Unity and Classic

Ronan Lucio ronanlucio at gmail.com
Thu Dec 1 13:25:11 UTC 2011

Hi Carlos,

I'm not sure about it.
I know there are so many users prefering the old gnome style.

I think the best option would be a simple way to config which interface the
users prefers, like on 11.04 version.
So the user could choice between Unity, Gnome3 or Gnome-Fallback (Classic)

But it think this option must exists for all Ubuntu versions.


2011/12/1 Carlos Havel <carloshavel at gmail.com>

> **
> There seems to be a 50/50 tide up about Unity and Classic. ¿Wouldn't it be
> possible split the issues among both? Let's say,  april releases with
> classic menu and october releases with unity?
> Otherwise, Ubuntu is going to loose half of it's users.(I among them).
>             Carlos Havel
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