Replace F-Spot with Solang?

George Farris farrisg at
Mon May 17 17:00:30 UTC 2010

Come on people, F-Spot has been able to NOT copy photos for a few
releases now.  Yes there are problems with it's speed etc but please
gets the facts straight.  Just uncheck the copy photos checkbox when


On Sat, 2010-05-15 at 13:43 +0300, Lucian Adrian Grijincu wrote:
> On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 1:27 PM, Mario Vukelic
> <mario.vukelic at> wrote:
> > I don't have an ongoing problem with the importing of photos, since new
> > photos are on the camera's SD card anyway, and of course I want to have
> > them copied somewhere. Though yes, initially it *was* a big step to give
> > up on my existing directory hierarchy and surrender to F-Spot, and I do
> > think that it can be a hurdle, even though I'm personally happy with
> > having done so.
> One should also consider the a dual-booter's experience with F-Spot.
> You may be considering switching to Ubuntu but for any kind of reason
> you're still stuck using Windows (be it games, or some Windows-only
> software, etc.).
> During the years you have amassed an impressive collection of photos
> that you've carefully organised, categorized, tagged, named, etc.
> Such collections typically occupy at least a few GB or a few tens of GB.
> How would you feel if F-Spot demanded importing all those photos by
> copying the to your 15GB Ubuntu partition? Wouldn't you think F-Spot
> (or if you're not very techy: Ubuntu) is inferior to your Windows
> tools?
> -- 
>  .
> ..: Lucian

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