Removal of PulseAudio from Ubuntu

Daniel Hollocher danielhollocher at
Thu May 13 20:46:45 UTC 2010

On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 1:16 PM, Darren Albers <dalbers at> wrote:
> For what it is worth add me to the list of people happy with
> PulseAudio.   In my opinion we are better off fixing the remaining
> issues than ripping it out and replacing it with something else.

And on that note, I have performed a trivial update of allegro4.2.
You can find the package here:
I tested with opensonic and open-invaders.  Gets the sound working.
Someone should probably do a more formal update request with

Regarding this discussion, I think it would make sense that in the
future when someone else complains about pulseaudio being in Ubuntu,
we should ask for bug reports.


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