Removal of PulseAudio from Ubuntu

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at
Thu May 6 04:54:43 UTC 2010

On Wed, 2010-05-05 at 20:49 -0400, Ryan Oram wrote:
> How many users actually use Bluetooth headsets with their computers or
> mute their browsers?
> I feel that being able to play games without having to edit text files
> or install alternate packages is much important to the average user
> then the above features.
> Chances are people who want to use Bluetooth headsets and to mute
> browsers will know how to configure Linux to do so anyways.

Many companies are switching their internal phone systems to VoIP. The
company I work for (15,000 seats, half of the users mobile with laptops)
just finished this transition, and the next step will be a migration to
PC-based phones for those who prefer it. Bluetooth headsets, certainly.

Also, there is this little application called Skype that I hear people
are using.

I don't see the point of the false dichotomy "either bluetooth headset
support *or* proper game support", either.

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