Trouble with 32 bit Gtk app on 64 bit system - no or misleading error msgs

Scott Beamer geekboy at
Mon Mar 15 05:29:41 UTC 2010

Thomas Tempelmann spake thusly:

>... I've created a 32 bit application that uses Gtk 2, which
> launches fine on the 32 Bit Ubuntu 9.10 default installation.
> But when I launch the same app on the 64 bit Ubuntu version, the
> following things happen......


The problem is that Debian (and therfore Ubuntu) is still in the 20th 
century when it comes to easily installing and running 32-bit software 
beside 64-bit software.

Outiside of sticking with OS X (or Windows for that matter) your other 
alterntiave is to go with the more advanced RPM-based distributions where 
you can routinely install 32-bit packages on a 64-bit OS (examples of 
such operating systems include Fedora, openSUSE and Mandriva).

*Someday* Debian (and therefore Ubuntu) will catch up....

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