Accounting Program

Danny Piccirillo danny.piccirillo at
Sun Mar 7 19:32:13 UTC 2010

What if you created a framework that could add support for other states and
countries so that a new application isn't needed for each case?

On Sun, Mar 7, 2010 at 14:27, Martin Owens <doctormo at> wrote:

> On Sun, 2010-03-07 at 18:22 +0100, Jan Claeys wrote:
> > The problem with most open source accounting apps is that they don't
> > support local (country-specific) requirements, or they need extensive
> > tweaking that requires help from local accountants and a bunch of
> > programmers to get and keep it right (laws change every day, but there
> > is also the integration with banks, etc.).
> It's very true, you have know what your making.
> > IOW: every serious accounting application will need a dedicated company
> > behind it...  (or multiple companies if you want to go international).
> Lets be clear, I don't intend on making the accounting program to
> replace all accounting programs. I will be making something which solves
> the problems of one man in Vermont, United States and anything above and
> beyond that in complexity and addition will have to come from other
> people solving things for their own needs or paying me to solve them.
> A company isn't the answer unless your company is doing a) investment
> development (bleh) or b) is a "a bunch of programmers to get and keep it
> right"
> I believe you probably indicate a. and I would vehemently disagree with
> you. There is power in people's own drive to solve their own problems,
> it just has to be focused on the productive elements.
> Martin,
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