Accounting Program

Martin Owens doctormo at
Sun Mar 7 19:27:40 UTC 2010

On Sun, 2010-03-07 at 18:22 +0100, Jan Claeys wrote:
> The problem with most open source accounting apps is that they don't
> support local (country-specific) requirements, or they need extensive
> tweaking that requires help from local accountants and a bunch of
> programmers to get and keep it right (laws change every day, but there
> is also the integration with banks, etc.).

It's very true, you have know what your making.

> IOW: every serious accounting application will need a dedicated company
> behind it...  (or multiple companies if you want to go international).

Lets be clear, I don't intend on making the accounting program to
replace all accounting programs. I will be making something which solves
the problems of one man in Vermont, United States and anything above and
beyond that in complexity and addition will have to come from other
people solving things for their own needs or paying me to solve them.

A company isn't the answer unless your company is doing a) investment
development (bleh) or b) is a "a bunch of programmers to get and keep it

I believe you probably indicate a. and I would vehemently disagree with
you. There is power in people's own drive to solve their own problems,
it just has to be focused on the productive elements.


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