Freeze exception for including usb-modeswitch in main and default (was Re: Including usb-modeswitch in default installation?)

Peteris Krisjanis pecisk at
Mon Mar 1 14:14:14 UTC 2010

> If it wasn't after Feature Freeze already, I'd be quite supportive -
> usb-modeswitch totally seems the way to go; I just think it's too late
> to make the change for an LTS, and I certainly don't think it's a good
> idea to introduce overlapping pieces this late.
> It seems more prudent to me to simply document that if your card isn't
> supported by Lucid OOTB, you may install the unsupported usb-modeswitch
> package from universe.  Then work on having that be the sole supported
> option for lucid+1

All right, I agree. Let's have it documented well, and work it out for
post Lucid release.

Thanks for communicating it,

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