Re: Shouldn't update-manager's "check for updates" setting have an "hourly" option?

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at
Thu Jun 24 13:59:19 UTC 2010

"Loïc Martin" <loic.martin3 at> wrote:

>On 23 June 2010 20:18, Scott Kitterman <ubuntu at> wrote:
>> AIUI, it wouldn't help much on Ubuntu since by default u-m doesn't pop up it's window for security updates if it's been opened in the last two days.
>Why that may happen on Kubuntu, it hasn't been true on any post-Jaunty
>Ubuntu releases .

Kubuntu uses a different system with it's own problems (which are being addressed).

>By default, u-m desn't pop up whether there are security updates or
>not, even if the user hasn't updated for month. I can run for weeks
>before remembering to fire up u-m manually, and the users I've
>installed Ubuntu on don't do that, so they end up month late in
>updates (even though they were installing updates regularly
>pre-Jaunty). Jaunty had it open behind other windows, so there was a
>chance some users would notice it if (and only if) they were not just
>having Firefox full screen all the time. With Karmic and Lucid, u-m
>doesn't show at all.
>For inexperienced users, automatic upgrades might be a choice to
>consider, if only they were not the kind of users that could handle it
>the worst, since they won't remember to save their work regularly.

I'm a bit surprised to hear Ubuntu doesn't notify about updates. 

Scott K

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