Question about this list
Markus Schönhaber
ubuntu-devel-discuss at
Thu Jan 28 14:05:23 UTC 2010
28.01.2010 02:26, Amahdy:
> Anybody who read my original email in the digest will notice the problem,
> the "From" has a special-char before it but I never typed it in my original
> email, I don't know why this happened too maybe somebody could explain, but
> my email is cropped at the original list website.
> On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 03:10, Amahdy <mrjava.javaman at> wrote:
>> Is there some kind of problem here or is it for me only? my email is never
>> continued, it cut off the rest of the email starting from the word: F - R -
>> O - M -- a - n - o - t - h - e - r .... do I only have this problem or
>> what's exactly?
If that "special-char" preceding "From" you're referring to is a ">"
then it looks like MBox's ">From-quoting". In MBox format, the start of
a new message is determined by a blank line followed by a line starting
with "From "[1]. If a message itself contains a blank line followed by a
line starting with "From ", the "From " will become ">From " to indicate
that it's not the start of a new message.
If the digest uses or is somehow created from MBox, this might be an
[1] The blank line may be missing at the start of the file, obviously.
But that's completely irrelevant here.
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