so sorry

Isamar Maia isamar at
Thu Jan 7 04:29:52 UTC 2010

2010/1/7 Patrick H. <patrick.harzheim at>:
> Isamar M>
> Given that comment, can he customize a distro?
Don't know.  If not possible, hire someone or ask to a neighbor...
Isn't here a devel list ?  :-)

> Patrick F>
> What would you recommend to make ubuntu, or just the internet alone as
> a whole, a better experience.
> What did you want to do with ubuntu?
> Have you tried Ubuntu Netbook remix?
> It's a very different user experience then ubuntu desktop?
Looks like this message was not directed to me or it's not clear for me
where you wish to reach with that. AFAIK, Here is a devel list, not a
"wish-list" :-)

Never tried yet Netbook Remix, but I have done a remix for fun and work.

Well, since this discussion smells an off-topic thread, or almost, if
you wish to continue
this discussion.. let's do that in private.


> ph
> 2010/1/6 Isamar Maia <isamar at>:
>> Dude.. nothing can satisfy greeks and troyans at the same tme.
>> If you don't like it, try to find one that fit your needs at
>> http:///
>> Or... customize Ubuntu for that.
>> Isamar
>> 2010/1/6 Patrick Freundt <patrick.freundt at>:
>>> Maybe Ubuntu (and the Internet as a whole) is not my thing. But who am
>>> I to blame you guys for that.
>>> I am sorry for all the inconvenience that I might have caused.
>>> *playing Annett Louisan - Das Spiel ... only for you!*
>>> --
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>> Isamar Maia
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>> "In a world without walls. Who needs windows and gates?"
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Isamar Maia
Brazil: 55-71-9146-8575
日本: +81-(0)3-4550-1212
"In a world without walls. Who needs windows and gates?"

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