Feature suggestions: optionally placing home folder into separate partition during ubuntu install

Phill Whiteside phillw at ubuntu.com
Tue Dec 28 16:23:17 UTC 2010

Hi Joao,

the same would apply to the option of encrypting their home area, which is
on the install CD and causes no end of grief on support. They get the option
of that, but not a seperate /home partition? Bearing in mind we are dealing
mostly with Windows users, is the encryption part really needed as a default
question - or only available in advanced?


On 28 December 2010 15:54, Joao Pinto <joao.pinto at getdeb.net> wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 3:07 PM, Evan Huus <eapache at gmail.com> wrote:
>>  This is an important point. The 'average' user isn't going to be able to
>> take
>> advantage of a separate home partition, even if the installer does it
>> automatically for them. Reinstalling while preserving user data is
>> already possible with a single / partition, and more complicated recovery
>> operations (such as the one which started this thread) are not going to
>> occur to someone who doesn't know enough to manually partition in the
>> first place.
>> Admittedly, the installer could make it easier for power-users to divide
>> up
>> their partitions without specifying every detail manually, but I don't
>> think it
>> would provide any functional benefit, just usability benefit.
>> Evan
> And let's not forget  that for those who don't need/understand what is a
> separate home partition, choosing to do so is likely to become a problem in
> the future when the partition sizing is found to be incorrect/insufficient.
> IMHO for 'regular' users the ability to reinstall without wiping the /home
> surpasses most of the benefits of using an isolated partition.
> --
> João Luís Marques Pinto
> GetDeb Team Leader
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