Compress option for btrfs during installation

Daniel J Blueman daniel.blueman at
Sat Aug 7 17:58:32 UTC 2010

On 7 August 2010 12:01, Alex Aster <rusnginx at> wrote:
> Hello,
> I suggest to implement "compress"-mount option (for btrfs) with other
> options like noatime, etc. in the install procedure.
> I have installed btrfs on / (/boot is separately), and to enable compress I
> have added this option in fstab after full installation.
> To compress all installed files I have renamed all folders any copied.
> Example:
> rename "/share" to "/share_old"
> then create "/share" and copy all files and folders from share_old.
> 1) After this procedure with all folders I have more space on core folder:
> before compression: used 3.2GB,
> after compression and copy - 2.0GB
> 2) all programs theoretically must starts quickly.
> With this option during installation we can avoid such procedure after
> installation.

Not only this, but there are (eg) older SSDs which aren't detected
correctly, thus we need to specify the 'discard' and 'ssd' mount
options to get optimal performance.

Clearly a general solution which includes a field (marked 'expert')
where one can specify mount options would really hit jackpot.
Daniel J Blueman

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