No mouse or keyboard on 10.04 no GNOME

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at
Fri Apr 30 17:42:45 UTC 2010

On Fri, 2010-04-30 at 08:35 -0300, vododo wrote:
> I tried to upgrade to ubuntu 10.04 and I had several problems.
> I used the save-upgrade method. Once it was done, GNOME didn't start. 

As others have said, upgrading with apt-get or aptitude is not the
recommended method. The recommended method is explained here (which is
linked from the announcement page for the new release):

That said, it should be possible to upgrade with apt-get/aptitude if you
somewhat know what you are doing, and with some massaging you should be
able to recover.

First of all, "aptitude safe-upgrade" can never work for a full
distribution upgrade, because this method is guaranteed not to remove
packages (which is why it is safe), but exactly this is certainly needed
during a distribution upgrade. I'd recommend you try the following (I
have gone through the list repeatedly and tried to avoid any errors, but
please think for yourself and do not follow it blindly):

     1. Backup your valuable data if that's still an option. If you
        cannot do this, then accept that if you make mistakes, I cannot
        guarantee that your data will survive. If you cannot accept
        this, get qualified help (there may be an Ubuntu release party
        near you that offers support; if free support is not available,
        get paid support)
     2. Read this (on another computer, print it out if necessary):
     3. Make sure you understand whether the release notes indicate that
        you need to do anything manually (that is, stuff that would have
        been performed automatically had you used the recommended
     4. Since X does not work, log into your machine on the text
     5. Make sure that your /etc/apt/sources.list
        and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* files are all correctly changed
        for 10.04 (lucid). Disable all third-party sources by commenting
        them out.
     6. Run "sudo aptitude update".
     7. Run "sudo aptitude full-upgrade" (note the full- instead of
        safe-, which allows aptitude to remove packages).
     8. If it exits without any errors, go to step 15. Otherwise, run it
        again. Repeat until it finishes successfully. If it does, go to
        step 15, if it does not, repeat until its output is the same as
        it was on the previous run and go to step 9.
     9. Run "sudo dpkg --configure -a" and "sudo apt-get install
        --fix-broken" repeatedly until either command's output is the
        same as it was on the previous run.
    10. For good measure, try steps 7 and 8 some more.
    11. If the error messages indicate that dpkg gets stuck during
        installation due to conflicts, read "man dpkg" and study the
        --force-things options carefully. Then run the required "sudo
        dpkg --force-things" command. This can be dangerous to your
        system if you don't know what you are doing.
    12. Repeat step 7 and if needed through to step 11.
    13. At some point "sudo aptitude full-upgrade" should finish
    14. Run "sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop". This package is
        required to ensure that 10.04 (Lucid) is fully installed. It can
        be removed when you are fully done, if you do not want to run
        the full Ubuntu desktop for some reason. If it runs cleany,
        good. Otherwise try to fix errors as before.
    15. Reboot and hope.
    16. If X runs, you are nearly done. Run "sudo aptitude
        safe-upgrade". If this command has errors, you should now be
        proficient enough with aptitude, apt-get and dpkg to figure it
        out, or you need to get more help.
    17. Reenable your third-party sources (change them to lucid). Run
        "sudo aptitude update" and install what you need.

Also, this is not the support list, as others have pointed out. Please
direct future support requests to the given links. You may also email me
personally, but please provide the exact error messages you get during
the upgrade, and the appropriate log files from /var/log, depending on
where the failure is (if X and therefore gdm do not
start, /var/log/Xorg.0.log is a good start)


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