Ubuntu Domain Server

Jan Claeys lists at janc.be
Fri Oct 23 01:34:48 UTC 2009

Op vrijdag 23-10-2009 om 10:32 uur [tijdzone +1030], schreef Ryan Dwyer:
> I don't think there's any use discussing whether we think a GUI or CLI
> is better. Shouldn't we focus on what the typical business wants and
> what they're prepared to use? 

Businesses don't want a GUI per se, they want something that works OOTB,
or at least after a simple configuration process.  And they often want
non-sysadmins to be able to do certain tasks that we might think about
as sysadmin tasks.  Adding new users (employees) for example.

BTW: GUI tools shouldn't run on a server, but on the admin's (or
pseudo-admin's) desktop.  Using a secure connection to the server, of

Jan Claeys

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