desktopcouch contacts from other programs

John Moser john.r.moser at
Thu Oct 15 16:49:04 UTC 2009

I don't see the use of Evolution.  Last time I left it open, I went
from using 2.5G of memory and around 70M of swap (with Evo closed) to
filling all 4G of RAM and 2G of swap; I peeked in Top and saw Evo with
a huge resident (almost all my RAM) and an even bigger VMA, but didn't
manage to kill it because the machine suddenly froze due to OOM and
the OOM killer not working somehow.  That was last week.

It takes me literally 22 minutes to open Evolution, just to get far
enough to go into Calendars and add appointments.  Then I have to exit
(and wait 10 minutes for that to finish) to avoid catastrophic system

Seeing as how that works, I don't see how CouchDB is revelant (aside
from the reaming it's gotten in the news... best quote:  "Wow. Someone
just didn't think this through.").

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 10:36 PM, Matt Price <matt.price at> wrote:
> hi,
> i;ve moved my evolution contacts to couchdb, and am really hoping to be
> able to access them from alternate mailers, preferably either mutt or
> any emacs mailer.  my laptop is a somewhat underpowered thinkpad,
> running a minimal openbox setup and mostly just emacs and a couple of
> terminals.  if i could get my evolution contacts without having to open
> evo up, that'd be really great.
> So i just wondered if the desktopcouch team had any ideas on how i might
> access the db from outside evo.
> thanks!
> matt
> --
> Matt Price
> matt.price at
> --
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