Icons in Place and System

Matthew Paul Thomas mpt at canonical.com
Tue Oct 13 17:15:55 UTC 2009

Hash: SHA1

coz DS wrote on 12/10/09 17:05:
> Hey all,
>   I am running ubuntu 9.10 right now fresh install... I noticed  no
> icons under System menu and a few missing from Places menu in Gnome.

There are fewer icons in menus generally. Places and System are just two

> I brought this up in irc  and was told it was an upstream decision
> because "it looked cluttered". I hope that was a joke!

No, it isn't.

>    i don't know if that is an accurate reason for the decision
> ...however let me point out that  many people with vision deficiencies
> may not be able to distinguish items in the menus by text alone!
>   Many will need the colours and shapes of the icons...even if not
> seen clearly..to recognize which item listed in the menu is the one
> they want.

After more than a decade of trying in Gnome, it is still just as
impossible as it always was for every menu item to have a distinct and
meaningful icon. So if difficulty of finding menu items without icons is
really an accessibility problem (and I haven't seen any evidence that it
is), we need to solve that problem in a way that does not involve icons.

>   I suppose the argument that.."if they know where the items are with
> icons...the positions have not changed..so therefore...."
> I hope that isn't the reasoning:)

No, it isn't.

- --
Matthew Paul Thomas
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