Fwd: [Bug 147250] Re: Alternate install CD (both x86, AMD64) not booting on HP NX6325, HP 6510b and HP 2510p

Przemek Kulczycki przemekkulczycki at gmail.com
Sun Oct 11 12:57:26 UTC 2009

Hi devs.
I'd like to point your attention to this small bug which prevents some
HP laptops from booting the alternate CD.
Debian has a fix committed now, I think we could make a freeze
exception for this bug in Karmic.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 2009/10/10
Subject: [Bug 147250] Re: Alternate install CD (both x86, AMD64) not
booting on HP NX6325, HP 6510b and HP 2510p

Debian has a fix committed now:
"I've committed a change that changes the default video mode for normal
installs (using the newt frontend) to vga=788, which forces the VESA
framebuffer. Tested on my own HP 2510p.

The change should take effect in the next daily and weekly builds.

Here's the commit log for the change:
r60979 | fjp | 2009-10-10 14:01:55 +0200 (Sat, 10 Oct 2009) | 15 lines

Change default video mode for i386/amd64 to vga=788 for the "newt"

This forces the framebuffer to VESA and will thereby solve problems
reported on various HP notebooks with the vga16fb driver (#471505).

It also increases the screen size (to 600x800, which is still quite
conservative) and thus allows more information to be displayed. Note that
dialogs should continue to be designed to work with 480x640 as other
architectures may still use that as a default, and for network-console.

vga=788 is the same video mode we use for the gtk frontend and as we've
seen very few reports of that failing the change should be safe, but it is
still somewhat experimental.


Alternate install CD (both x86, AMD64) not booting on HP NX6325, HP
6510b and HP 2510p
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## Przemysław Kulczycki >><< Azrael Nightwalker ##
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