Ubuntu Domain Server

Michael Bienia michael at bienia.de
Sat Nov 21 18:58:14 UTC 2009

On 2009-11-21 17:37:46 +0100, Markus Hitter wrote:
> <http://gparted.sourceforge.net/screens/gparted_1_big.jpg>
> Oh, perhaps you prefer command line disk partitioning over gparted as  
> well. It's doable and much more flexible :-)

gparted is probably a good GUI (hadn't have to repartition my disk for a
long time, so never used it till now). But does it help someone to
partition his disk properly who doesn't know about primary/logical
partitions, filesystem types, mount points, etc.?

Letting someone use gparted to partition his disk who doesn't know
anything about partitioning will probably end in a big data desaster.
And whom will this user blame for it? Certainly not himself for doing
tasks he doesn't understand but the GUI for letting it do him (even if
it has big warnings).


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