OneNote2007 and Project2007 equivalent in Ubuntu

Jonathan Jesse jjesse at
Sun Nov 15 00:47:32 UTC 2009

On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 5:40 PM, Dotan Cohen <dotancohen at> wrote:

> 2009/11/15 Jonathan Jesse <jjesse at>:
> > Unfortnately all of those proudcts pale in comparision to OneNote.  I've
> > even had problems with OneNote and Crossover office to work correctly.
> > OneNote is one of the many programs I miss when I switch over to Ubuntu
> full
> > time.
> >
> > The way OneNote groups things together works great.
> > Plus the right-click on a meeting and send to OneNote to take notes in
> > regards to the appointment I am working is missing in all of these
> products
> > when I try to use a FLOSS PIM product, like Evoutoin or Kontact
> >
> If you will make a detailed list of the features that you are missing
> from OneNote in Basket and/or Zim, I will gladly take the time to file
> the appropriate bugs. Thanks.
> --
> Dotan Cohen

Most of my experiences are with the KDE programs, however I have tried,
gjots, gjots2, and Tomboy as well...

1.  Basket and KNotes are missing bullet points as far as I can tell, same
with gjots2... Also missing outline formating ( I. a. iii., etc)

2.  Integration with Calendaring:  OneNote and Outllook integrate together,
I can do things such as right-click an appoint in the calendar and send to
OneNote.  Then in OneNote it has all the appointment information is within
the note section.

3.  Ability to create tasks within a note:  Goes back to integration with
the Personal Information Manager, in this case Outlook and OneNote.  Within
OneNote you can create a task which then populates Outlook.

Just off the top of my head what I need to replace OneNote
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