Current situation of amarok, and of latex tools

Christopher James Halse Rogers raof at
Mon May 25 11:16:09 UTC 2009

On Mon, 2009-05-25 at 11:12 +0800, Christopher Chan wrote:
> > That is not the case with OpenSolaris based ZFS root capable 
> > installations. While the whole disk maybe taken up by a zfs pool, the 
> > installation will create three at least zfs filesystems. ROOT/, 
> > ROOT/opt, export, and export/home all exist on my OpenSolaris 
> > installation. So all data is stored in the user's home directory is not 
> > at all affected by upgrades or downgrades.
> >
> >   
> ...I need more sleep and to get out of Hong command of English 
> has gone down the drain.
> Allow me to retype that:
> That is not the case with OpenSolaris based ZFS root capable 
> installations. While the whole disk maybe taken up by a zfs pool, the 
> installation will create at least three zfs filesystems. ROOT/, 
> ROOT/opt, export, and export/home all exist on my OpenSolaris 
> installation. So all data is stored in the user's home directory and is not 
> at all affected by upgrades or downgrades.
So, what happens when, say, I upgrade to a new version of Evolution and
it decides to convert all its existing mailboxes to the new database
format on first run, and I later want to revert because of new bugs?  It
doesn't matter that I can roll back everything but /home to the previous
Evolution version - that mail is now essentially gone as far as the old
Evolution is concerned.

Alternatively, replace Evolution with MySQL or such.

This is what I understand to be the hard problem in *supporting* package

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