What's wrong with Ubuntu's policy?
Martin Owens
doctormo at gmail.com
Thu May 21 11:44:08 UTC 2009
I find Dell's policy to be logical and fitting for what they do.
But I would stress that part of what FOSS does better than all those
other guys is evolution rather than large revision. I'd be a wary of
breaking the 6 month release heartbeat cycle, it keeps everyone on their
toes and allows for new and interesting things to be tried out without
breaking OEMs or large stable deployments.
Although part of me also feels that we haven't yet reached the maturity
with a number of key foundation systems to really be sure about
deployment longevity. (i,e xorg, audio, hardware-handling,
config-handling all of which are moving along)
Although if LoCo experience is anything to go by, people are happy with
their Ubuntu installations and some will ask for re-installation with a
newer version. But most are happy.
Regards, Martin Owens
On Thu, 2009-05-21 at 14:12 +0300, Peteris Krisjanis wrote:
> Actually, it is not disappointing, it's just Dell as OEM shows us a
> way where we should be going to.
> Yes, we need to change release policy. We really need LTS every two
> years (and lot of small development releases between them), AND we
> need to overlook 'we don't release new software, just updates' policy.
> People already use gizillions of PPA reps and backport packages to get
> what they need.
> I know, people who love bloatin edge like me would be slightly
> disappointed because it would mean no more shiny, regular releases
> with newest stuff. But we need to acknowledge that we have outgrown
> our geeek roots and Ubuntu is not only for us anymore.
> So I actually support Dell decision. LTS must and should be aim we are
> going after and it must be hard stable and basic functionality working
> without a glitch.
> Just my two euro cents,
> Peter.
> 2009/5/21 Markus Hitter <mah at jump-ing.de>:
> >
> > Hello all,
> >
> > today it came to my attention Dell plans to do two things:
> >
> > a) Stick with Ubuntu 8.04 in favour of a more recent release for new
> > machines.
> >
> > b) Fork the package repository to get updates out to their customers.
> >
> > <http://www.betanews.com/article/Dell-Most-Linux-users-dont-really-
> > need-the-latest-version/1242843704>
> >
> > In my opinion, this is disappointing. Very disappointing. What is
> > wrong with Ubuntu's release/fix/backport strategy for such a thing to
> > happen?
> >
> >
> > Markus
> >
> > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> > Dipl. Ing. Markus Hitter
> > http://www.jump-ing.de/
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