hibernating progress bar

Matt Price matt.price at utoronto.ca
Tue May 12 17:50:32 UTC 2009

On Tue, 2009-05-12 at 13:45 -0300, Derek Broughton wrote:
> solaris manzur wrote:
> > nowadays we have a huge problem when we are going to hibernate and wake-up
> > from hibernating: "we do not have a progress bar" so When we are going to
> > hibernate we just see a black screen and that is it, my first time on
> > going to hibernate, I thought: "Ohhh My God!!! Ubuntu has crashed",
> > because I did not know what was happening...
> > so I think we really need a hibernating progress bar, so we know what it
> > is doing.. (the same for waking up process)
> My first thought was that this might be very hard to do - after all the 
> system is quiescing everything and swapping it out to disk, and you can't 
> have anything mess with the memory image after it starts the hibernation 
> process - but then I remembered that in the very earliest days of ACPI 
> hibernate, there used to be text-mode progress indicators.  It used to tell 
> us where in the hibernation process it was, and how many pages it had 
> written to the swap file - plus a useful indication of why it failed to 
> hibernate, in the (then frequent) cases where it didn't work.  Now, I fairly 
> regularly hibernate when I leave work, only to find that the PC has been 
> running in my backpack all the way home - and no diagnostics.
> -- 
> derek

actually, there's a really easy way to do it -- install the tuxonice
kernels and tuxonice-userui from nigel cunningham's ppa:

this is part of the enhanced functionality of tuxonice, which has been
blocked from the mainline vanilla kernel for years, largely because of
recalcitrant kernel devs.  a shame, really.  it's conceivable some
elements of this might be merged into the kernel in the near future, but
it doesn't seem that likely right now.  see the recent threads on
linux-pm, linux-kernel, and tuxonice-dev lists.


ps, there are a couple of extra steps involved, if you can't find them
on the web somewhere write back, and i'll post a link.


Matt Price
matt.price at utoronto.ca

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