The awesome software sources adding feature

Dylan McCall dylanmccall at
Thu May 7 16:14:47 UTC 2009

So, I got my hands on a nice little netbook recently. I originally put
Fedora on there (which does astoundingly well with boot splashes, sound
and bluetooth - the upcoming Bluetooth stuff is seamless and great on
the interface front, whereas Ubuntu's current doesn't seem to receive
file transfers by default). Anyhow, switched back to Ubuntu since I like
the idea of having exactly the same version of everything, at all times,
on both computers and the Impression theme is indispensable ;)

So, in getting that rolling, I copied over sources.list from my desktop
to my netbook. Noticed I could open that file with Software Sources! The
program promptly appeared, offering to add all those repositories to my
list automatically and then refresh.

That was awesome. Why haven't I seen the functionality used before?
Install directions with repositories involved look completely hostile
right now, but this resolves the issue perfectly.

Dylan McCall
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