KDE update

Mackenzie Morgan macoafi at gmail.com
Wed Mar 4 08:58:44 UTC 2009

On Wednesday 04 March 2009 3:50:32 am Onno Benschop wrote:
> Can someone please explain to me why I'm asked to download 32.2Mb of an
> update that has as a description:
>     "No change rebuild to satisfy build dependency for kdepim security
>     update"
> What I'm really asking is these three different questions:
>    1. Why am I downloading something that is no different from the
>       previous version. As I understand the packaging system, any update
>       to kdepim should be more than able to cope with being part of a
>       specific version using depends and requires.

The dependencies are listed in the package.  To change the dependencies inside 
the package, the whole package has to be re-issued.

>    2. Why am I downloading that much data for just version number
>       changes, if that's really all that is changing?

Because the entire thing is one package.

>    3. Why am I downloading these updates when I don't actually have
>       kdepim installed at all?

Not Kontact, Kmail, Korganizer...?

Mackenzie Morgan
apt-get moo
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