gparted, ubiquity and other packages left behind by karmic a2 installer

Nathan Dorfman na at
Mon Jun 22 16:44:11 UTC 2009

On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 5:18 AM, Evan Dandrea<evand at> wrote:
> No, I just tested this myself and was unable to reproduce the behavior
> you experienced.  Are you sure the installation did not crash near the
> end, and enough of the system was in place to allow you to boot?  You
> would not have seen the "installation finished" dialog, if this were
> the case.

I'm pretty sure. The installer did hang at the end, as predicted in
the Alpha 2 "known issues" document; this was at the shutdown stage,
however, after the installation had completed.

One thing that I failed to mention is that this is the amd64 Live CD,
not the i386 or alternate install CD.

I'll test it again with a fresh install and let you know.


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