Replace Tomboy with Gnote?

Vincenzo Ciancia ciancia at
Sun Jun 21 11:35:40 UTC 2009

Il giorno sab, 20/06/2009 alle 12.16 -0400, Mackenzie Morgan ha scritto:
> Seeing as that's optional, yes you did.  I find the copying useful
> since 
> well...if it didn't copy them, it'd be like GThumb, pretending to
> organize my 
> camera (not actually changing the filesystem by the way, just
> pretending) and 
> not getting the images onto the computer.  You'd have to manually copy
> all the 
> images from the camera to the hard drive, then run GThumb/F-Spot.  In
> that 
> case, why are they set to start when a camera is plugged in or an SD
> card 
> inserted?  They'd be rather useless for the "getting stuff of the
> camera" 
> usecase (the usecase implied by their autolaunching).

That's quite the point: a simple picture viewer such as gthumb shows you
a directory at a time. It's good to see my vacation pictures. F-Spot is
a photo collection manager, and I do not really know which of the two is
most frequently used. 

Regarding taking notes with tomboy in class, I think most of your
classmates also use latex (I do too, eh) but it's not in the default
distribution. Everyone needing latex or tomboy can install it, but our
average user probably does not use both. I may be proven wrong, we do
not have any data to prove facts like these. We need a way perhaps.


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