shameful censoring of mono opposition

Mackenzie Morgan macoafi at
Mon Jun 8 13:54:29 UTC 2009

On Monday 08 June 2009 9:39:31 am Mark Fink wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 8:53 AM, Mackenzie Morgan<macoafi at> wrote:
> > Instead of whinging, why don't you write BETTER replacements for those
> > applications in C, if it bothers you so much?  Whinging is simply not
> > constructive.
> people already have

Please.  GThumb as a serious competitor to G-Spot?  You've got to be joking.  
Gwenview & DigiKam are both KDE apps, so they are not valid answers for a 
GNOME distro.  Besides that, Gwenview isn't a photo album manager--it's the 
equivalent of Eye of GNOME, just a viewer.  

And I already mentioned the troubles with replacing Tomboy with any of those.  
Zim is suitable for hackers, not for people like my brother.  KNotes & BasKet 
are both KDE apps, unsuitable for GNOME distros.  And Gnote is most certainly 
not better than Tomboy.  It's an incomplete emulation of the original that 
breaks the formats used by Tomboy.  And do you know how Hub responded to my 
bug report about him breaking the format's compatibility? He essentially said 
he was trying to lock users in.  He doesn't want users to have the choice to 
go back to Tomboy.  The Tomboy developer's response was to change Tomboy to 
accept Hub's broken notes for the sake of keeping users' choice in-tact.  Now, 
which falls more into the category of freedom-loving?  The developer who uses 
a patented technology which is no more a threat than MP3 to write software 
that doesn't bind the user, or the developer who uses unpatented technology to 
bind the user to him?

Mackenzie Morgan
apt-get moo
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