On apturls and repositories

Dmitrijs Ledkovs dmitrij.ledkov at gmail.com
Mon Jun 1 19:32:10 UTC 2009

I quite agree that adding adding PPA should be easy.

In my opinion is should envolve clicks and it should not envolve deb
packages. Currently for my PPA which has quite a few users I did
create deb package which installs list file and keys.

Here is what I want as a PPA publisher:

1) One click links to list file per distro (Click on it, open it up
without saving, enter sudo password and that ppa is added)

2) One click on the PGP key link (Click on it, choose to import into
APT-key instead of your default keyring, enter sudo password, key

3) AptUrl should be highlighted on the PPA whiteboard (Such that I can
click on it to refresh repositories and install this or that hot
package that attracted me to this ppa in the first place).

Number 1 is possible but you need to host the *list file somewhere, I
want lauchpad to generate those in addition to the sources lines they
already display.

Number 2 again should be generated on the launchpad and then I think
there needs to be improvement on the download side (Seahorse?) to add
those keys to apt-key instead of default keyring.

Number 3 launchpad should make apturl's clickable on the ppa
whiteboard like on the wiki.

So nothing needs to be changed in the APT-url design.
Adding keys should be just as clickable as list files.
Both key's and lists' files should be generated by launchpad.
And since APT-url's are URL they SHOULD BE CLICKABLE!

Finally got this bit off my chest. What do you think?

With best regards

Dmitrijs Ledkovs (for short Dima),
Ледков Дмитрий Юрьевич

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