Internet-Teenagers and what Ubuntu can do.

richard richard.bown at
Wed Jan 28 18:05:09 UTC 2009

On Wed, 28 Jan 2009 16:56:06 +0000
Scott James Remnant <scott at> wrote:

> On Wed, 2009-01-28 at 10:07 +0000, Andrew Sayers wrote:
> > It seems to me that putting computers in shared spaces (e.g. the
> > family living room) encourages users to police themselves, as well
> > as letting everyone spend more time together.
> > 
> And when you go out, your child will still head straight onto the
> Internet to look at porn - just like you did.
> I'll never understand the modern parents attempts to "protect" their
> children from websites in their own bookmarks list.
> Scott
Sorry the reply is OT, but I cant resist adding a foot note to it.

The more you try to stop kids from doing something, the more they want
to do it.

If you really want to stop them from looking at porn, give it to them,
they will soon get bored, there's only so many ways you can look at the
same thing.
Maybe this "nanny " attitude which is prevalent in the UK is the reason
the the UK has one of the highest teenage pregnancy levels in the world.

Please, please do not make Ubuntu into a a censorship tool. I always
believed that Ubuntu and its variants had great educational values

Best wishes

Richard Bown

Registered Linux User 36561
OS: Ubuntu 8.10, Intrepid, on AMD Dual Athlon 64 +4400: 8 GB RAM DDR2
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