Internet-Teenagers and what Ubuntu can do.

Tony Brijeski tb6517 at
Wed Jan 28 17:31:43 UTC 2009

I agree.

I've taken a different approach with my kids.  I am educating them on the ills of society and the world in general so they can make sound decisions on their own.  That isn't to say I let them do what they want but I want to prepare them from the world and not make the world change to suit my views of how it should be.

Far too many folks these days expect the world to change for them rather than adapting to the current conditions and preparing their children for the world.

The real world is far more cruel than the internet could ever be.  After all, folks from the real world are the ones populating the internet with the things that are offensive.

I think we, as parents, need to get back to teaching our children how to survive in this world and stop trying to get the world to change so our children can survive.

This is an issue of parenting and has nothing to do with Operating Systems or the internet.

Stuff these kids are doing with their cellphones with texting and sending pictures and videos is far more damaging than the internet.

--- On Wed, 1/28/09, Scott James Remnant <scott at> wrote:

> From: Scott James Remnant <scott at>
> Subject: Re: Internet-Teenagers and what Ubuntu can do.
> To: ubuntu-devel-discuss at
> Date: Wednesday, January 28, 2009, 11:56 AM
> On Wed, 2009-01-28 at 10:07 +0000, Andrew Sayers wrote:
> > It seems to me that putting computers in shared spaces
> (e.g. the family
> > living room) encourages users to police themselves, as
> well as letting
> > everyone spend more time together.
> > 
> And when you go out, your child will still head straight
> onto the
> Internet to look at porn - just like you did.
> I'll never understand the modern parents attempts to
> "protect" their
> children from websites in their own bookmarks list.
> Scott
> -- 
> Scott James Remnant
> scott at
> -- 
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