Doing something about signal:noise complaints

(=?iso-8859-1?q?=60=60-=5F-=B4=B4?=) -- BUGabundo ubuntu at
Fri Jan 23 01:50:40 UTC 2009

Olá Emmet e a todos.

On Thursday 22 January 2009 16:27:42 Emmet Hikory wrote:
> * Point of contact for Ubuntu users to reach Ubuntu developers
>     There are lots of reasons that users want to reach developers.
> For many of them, there are more specific fora.  Bugs should be reported
> to the bug tracker (2).  Suggestions for features that would benefit
> from discussion and voting should be posted to brainstorm (3) (although
> a post to this list pointing at the brainstorm entry is not entirely
> bad).  Posts specific to a certain area of Ubuntu may be better
> discussed on more specific mailing lists (see the list (4).  Requests
> for assistance or support most specifically belong on the ubuntu-users@
> list.  I'm likely missing lots of other specific fora, but in summary,
> such a general list as ubuntu-devel-discuss@ is probably best used when
> either it's not clear which  forum may be more appropriate, when it's
> something that isn't specific enough to fit in another forum, or when a
> specific forum for the topic in question doesn't exist.

Well my POV on this is that you may have missed a valid use case:
Discussion of problems on a development branch.
From my experience, ubuntu-users@ is mainly toward to stable releases, and usually an user like my self (alpha/beta tester) gets really poor support there. At least on this list I expect to get some extra help to either fix my/our problem, or be pointed in the right direction, even if that is simply the case to go to LP and report it.
Basicly I expect the same treatment as I get on IRC support channels (ubuntu+1 and ubuntu-bugs).

Is that to much to ask?

Hi, I'm BUGabundo, and I am Ubuntu (
Linux user #443786    GPG key 1024D/A1784EBB
My new micro-blog @
ps. My emails tend to sound authority and aggressive. I'm sorry in advance. I'll try to be more assertive as time goes by...
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