[strawman] Make Git Branches of all Ubuntu Packages Too

Joseph Smidt josephsmidt at gmail.com
Tue Jan 13 01:09:21 UTC 2009

On Tue, 2009-01-13 at 11:38 +1100, Christopher Halse Rogers wrote:

> You might be better served by helping John Carr with his git-serve[1]
> addition to bzr-git.  That will basically serve bzr branches over the
> git protocol, so you don't have the same problems with maintaining two
> separate repositories.
	Sounds interesting.  Does this project have the Ubuntu's blessing?  Is
there any indication it will be supported in Launchpad for all Ubuntu's
packages?  If so, great, maybe the problem is solved. :)  If not, why?

			Joseph Smidt

Joseph Smidt <josephsmidt at gmail.com>

Physics and Astronomy
4129 Frederick Reines Hall
Irvine, CA 92697-4575
Office: 949-824-3269
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