Please help me to add in the linux-wlan-ng_0.2.9+dfsg

Tormod Volden lists.tormod at
Thu Jan 8 12:15:37 UTC 2009

Rolando F. Blanco C. <rolando <at>> writes:
> Hi Victor and Happy New Year!
> Well, let me tell you that I did try to build my own
> linux-wlan-ng_0.2.9+dfsg package to include in it this info:
> Please add follow lines to wlan-ng.conf file.
> card "ACTIONTEC PRISM Wireless LAN PC Card"
>    version "ACTIONTEC", "PRISM Wireless LAN PC Card", "0381", "RevA"
>    manfid 0x1668, 0x6097
>    bind "prism2_cs"
> add the follow lines to table  usb_prism_tbl of prism2_usb.c
>            {PRISM_USB_DEVICE(0x1668, 0x6097, "Actiontec Prism2.5
> 11Mbps WLAN USB Adapter")},
> Well, note that this info was send to me for de vendor,
> Please, could you add it in the  linux-wlan-ng_0.2.9+dfsg package please,

Hi Rolando,

Please make a patch of your changes (using diff -Nurp) and post it upstream to
linux-wlan-devel at

Once it's accepted there, we can pull it into the Debian package, and try to get
it included in the next Ubuntu release.

Best regards,

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