Joining upstream bash-completion team (was: Re: Ubuntu bash-completion 20060301-4ubuntu3)
David Paleino
d.paleino at
Wed Jan 7 15:27:42 UTC 2009
(please keep the mailing lists CCed, so as not to break threads)
at the Bash-Completion team in Debian we received:
On Tue, 06 Jan 2009 21:48:04 -0000, Ubuntu Merge-o-Matic wrote:
> This e-mail has been sent due to an upload to Ubuntu that contains Ubuntu
> changes. It contains the difference between the new version and the
> previous version of the same source package in Ubuntu.
> [..]
> Maintainer: Ubuntu MOTU Developers <ubuntu-motu at>
> Changed-By: Martin Mai <martinmai1024 at>
> [..]
> Changes:
> bash-completion (20060301-4ubuntu3) jaunty; urgency=low
> .
> * Fix IFS issue in _umount and correct _get_cword in _postfix (LP: #249337)
Would you please co-ordinate with us? We became the official upstream a while
ago, after Ian MacDonald (the original author) asked for help/a new maintainer
for the package.
It currently consists of (writing distribution where I know it, so sorry guys if
I miss anything):
- Luk Claes - Debian
- Steve Kemp - Debian
- David Paleino (me) - Debian
- Freddy Vulto
- Mike Forbes
- Santiago M. Mola - Gentoo
- Ville Skyttä - Fedora/RedHat
Probably also some other guy is joining us :)
We've made lots of improvements to bash-completion, since the 20060301
version. And, the new version we released, was a manual three-way-merge
between Debian, Ubuntu and upstream, so probably there will be no missing
things for you.
Please, co-ordinate with us, before uploading old versions of bash-completion
to Ubuntu. Consider subscribing to
bash-completion-devel at, join us in the bash-completion
project at and on #bash-completion on We're also
using bzr, because we wanted to make things easier for Ubuntu folks! ;)
Regarding this particular upload of bash-completion -- that issue has already
been fixed in newer releases of bash-completion. So, please, stop uploading and
using that old version. You might be interested in getting
a newer bash-completion for Jaunty, I hope.
Thanks for your attention,
David Paleino
Bash-Completion Team
. ''`. Debian maintainer |
: :' : Linuxer #334216 --|--
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