[RFC] Improve communication with testing users about master key changes in development branches

Dan Chen crimsunkg at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 5 20:28:19 UTC 2009

We use package changelogs to describe some changes; you can find them in /usr/share/doc/$package/changelog.*

As for volunteering, I was referring specifically to making the wiki document. I already expend countless non-job hours working on the packages, so any additional effort by other community members is what's being discussed.

I don't make decisions regarding what's placed in release notes. Again, perhaps you and others could raise this priority in the future.

As always, the "old" tools are and will be installable, so there's no reason one should have to cease using them.

"(``-_-´´) -- BUGabundo" <ubuntu at bugabundo.net> wrote:

>Olá Dan e a todos.
>On Thursday 05 February 2009 19:32:27 Dan Chen wrote:
>> --- On Thu, 2/5/09, (``-_-´´) -- BUGabundo <ubuntu at bugabundo.net> wrote:
>> > I mean the going away of the old alsa controls that opened
>> > from the audio applet.
>> So you'd like documented the changes in Desktop components.
>Not all changes are at the Desktop level, but yes, those are the more visible
>> > Maybe I wasnt clear here:
>> > This is not meant FOR Devs, but for testers and users.
>> > Of course this information should be filled by the
>> > maintainers of the packages or who makes the changes.
>> If you're volunteering, feel free!
>I already do.
>I spend huge amounts of time, testing new versions, helping new users, filling bugs, triaging existing reports...
>But on this subject I'm at a mist... I dont know what YOU as a dev for PA and ALSA know.
>So when you guys picked from upstream this new way to make Ubuntu handle sound properties you knew what your were doing... I dont. I jut got the result, without any *extra* info on how to use it other then try-&-error.
>See what I mean? We need some tiny bit of intel on how to benefit from the new changes , _or else_ the all distro just gets yours complaining 'cause they dont know what to do with the tools that they already knew with the old ones.
>Some times a single one-liner at a wikipage or email is more then enough for users/testers (who actually care to read/follow/search) know whats up.
>I just did that with the new X HUGE Fonts bug. I read about the change in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope/TechnicalOverview
>"Font sizes may be abnormally small or large on monitors which mis-report their capabilities. If you suspect this may be the case, please see X/Troubleshooting/HugeFonts for steps to troubleshoot this issue. "
>and wasnt caught by surprise... ok I was, I only read the email *after* the package upgrade. But I better know something, sometime that none at all.
>Hi, I'm BUGabundo, and I am Ubuntu (whyubuntu.com)
>(``-_-´´)	http://LinuxNoDEI.BUGabundo.net
>Linux user #443786    GPG key 1024D/A1784EBB
>My new micro-blog @ http://BUGabundo.net
>ps. My emails tend to sound authority and aggressive. I'm sorry in advance. I'll try to be more assertive as time goes by...
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