Any news on skype+pulseaudio+intel_hda_realtek ?

Vincenzo Ciancia ciancia at
Mon Feb 2 00:27:28 UTC 2009

On 01/02/2009 Martin Olsson wrote:
> Disclaimer: Yes, Skype is proprietary and that sucks; but due to 
> strong
> network effects FLOSS is going to have to find a way to deal with 
> this app
> for some time. There is no point in me installing Ekiga unless it's
> interoperable with Skype because most of the people I talk to use
> Skype/win32 (and right now I can't get them to switch).

There is no point in installing ekiga mostly because the chances it will 
not work are high. This is a sad and unfortunate truth. To fight success 
proprietary software we need software that works. Since I myself will 
not start coding for ekiga tomorrow, I can't but blame myself.

Said this, the skype+pulseaudio regression is one of the things that 
impressed people worst against ubuntu recently. My own solution, which I 
passed on to everybody who used skype, is to merely start using alsa for 
everything (you don't need to uninstall pulseaudio and install esound 
for that).

Why we really needed to upgrade pulseaudio, and who said the new version 
was working, I don't know. I see that I can live very well without it, 
and that in hardy it worked fine. In intrepid it breaks skype. Is that a 
problem of skype by itself?


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