How should ubiquity-slideshow behave when a translation is not available? (For non-English users especially)

Dylan McCall dylanmccall at
Sat Dec 19 21:12:19 UTC 2009


This is about the slideshow that plays when installing Ubuntu from the
desktop live CD.

I realized that it would be absolutely trivial to fall back to something
simple (or just not deal with the slideshow at all!) in the event that a
slideshow for the current locale is not available, where currently it
always falls back to the English slideshow (or, if we haven't remembered
to prune unfinished translations, a mixture of English and the selected

My immediate assumption is that this is a good idea; it's pretty ugly
and disheartening to see a presentation in a foreign language while
installing an operating system that should be (and usually is!) in one's
native language. On the other hand, lots of people do speak English
anyway, etc...

For me personally, this is uncharted territory. I don't know much about
the psychology of installing software that defaults to a language other
than my own, since I have never experienced that, so I thought it would
be best to ask around. What are your thoughts? Would you rather see a
slideshow in English, contrary to the other stuff, or nothing at all?
(Of course, for most languages this needn't be a concern since the
translation community is amazing, but just pretend you speak Klingon for
a few minutes).

Qapla' !

Dylan McCall

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