Introduction to Ubuntu Distributed Development

Shentino shentino at
Thu Dec 17 16:23:30 UTC 2009

First off, apologies if being a non-developer posting here is...not kosher,
or whatnot.

Personally, I think that allowing variety of a sort in the actual repos
would allow more freedom for the developers to work with what they are most
comfortable with.  Considering the wide variety of packages that exist, my
first impression is that a "one size fits all" claim for bazaar is somewhat

My first move, if I were to make it, would be to put in support for
competing SCMs and let the package maintainers choose for themselves if they
wanted to switch out of bzr or not.

Sourceforge recently did this to provide more options to their developers
and it personally made me very happy.

As an aside I share Adrian's concerns about grafting other SCMs on top of
bazaar, on grounds that metadata may potentially be mangled in translation,
so to speak.  Having had bad experiences with git-svn myself in fact.

On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 7:55 AM, Adrian Perez <adrianperez.deb at>wrote:

> Exactly my point. +1.
> I think Git is better suited than Bzr for the job, and I don't make to
> make it personal.
> It's true that there's an infrastructure set up, but I think the idea of
> voting is letting the community decide for itself, and don't impose us a
> tool which might not be the preferred choice for most of our developers.
> Building a layer around LP and Bzr seems like a reasonable idea, but
> there are some many pitfalls on that.
> On Thu, 2009-12-17 at 07:44 -0800, Shentino wrote:
> > Reinventing the wheel might be a good idea if the wheel then rolls
> > faster
> >
> > On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 6:24 AM, Scott James Remnant
> > <scott at> wrote:
> >         On Thu, 2009-12-17 at 08:58 -0500, Adrian Perez wrote:
> >
> >         > So, I might propose to have a voting on which VCS system we
> >         will use for
> >         > our centralized approach, (if that hasn't happened already).
> >         >
> >
> >         Bazaar was designed and written to be the distributed version
> >         control
> >         system for distributions, in particular Ubuntu.  There is an
> >         enormous
> >         amount of infrastructure built up around it, and a large
> >         number of
> >         people working on it.
> >
> >         We do not presume (as a community) to tell people what they
> >         should and
> >         should not be working on.  If those people are happy working
> >         on Bazaar,
> >         then that is entirely their decision.  We would not hold a
> >         vote to tell
> >         people to stop what they are doing.
> >
> >
> >         If another group of people were to work on GIT, Mercurial or
> >         some new
> >         DVCS - making improvements to better suit a distribution, and
> >         were to
> >         put the same amount of work into building an infrastructure
> >         around it,
> >         then that is entirely their choice.
> >
> >         Having two competing infrastructures would be cause for a
> >         discussion
> >         amongst the Technical Board about which one (if either) we
> >         recommended.
> >
> >
> >         Personally (as a member of the TB), in that situation, I'd be
> >         more
> >         likely to ask why the GIT or Mercurial folk didn't instead
> >         leverage the
> >         existing bzr infrastructure.  For example, by adding support
> >         to their
> >         DVCS to be able to pull from and push to the LP server.
> >
> >         That way users could use whichever command-line tool they
> >         wanted, and
> >         we'd all have access to the same branches.
> >
> >         Scott
> >         --
> >         Scott James Remnant
> >         scott at
> >
> >         --
> >         Ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing list
> >         Ubuntu-devel-discuss at
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> >
> >
> >
> --
> Best Regards,
> Adrian Perez <adrianperez-deb at>
> Ubuntu Developer
> GPG Key ID: 8A9A3084
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