karmic trashed in Tomshardware.com

Paul Smith paul at mad-scientist.us
Tue Dec 8 05:53:15 UTC 2009

On Tue, 2009-12-08 at 11:07 +0800, Tim Hawkins wrote:
> I dont know if it is relevant, but looking at the specs of the two
> "unstable" machines listed in the article, both had nVidia chipsets 
> The one machine (netbook) that they said worked perfectly had an Intel
> Graphics chipset.  
> Given the amount of discussion relating to problems with the nVidia
> drivers in Karmic, could this be a factor in this review.?

One never knows, of course, but FYI I have one system at home with an
Intel graphics chipset, and two systems at work both with Nvidia cards
using the proprietary drivers (both have dual monitors attached).

All three work just fine in Karmic, and have from the beginning (no
upgrade issues to speak of).

We've upgraded probably about 15 systems at work and only two problems:
one was that the screensaver enabled during the upgrade and, since that
person was mounting their home directory over NFS and it tried to
restart NFS, badness happened so that we couldn't get rid of the
screensaver by hand, and it was putting up a dialog asking about
overwriting some file.  I had to C-A-F1, login there, and kill it; the
upgrade finished just fine from there.  The other I'm not sure what
happened: they did it while I wasn't around :-)

I did see a problem on my system at home (Intel graphics) when I had the
screensaver set to "Random": my kernel panicked twice in one day while I
was away from my desk.  I switched back to "Blank" which is what I
always use anyway, and haven't seen a single glitch since.  I'm assuming
there're one or more bugs still in the Intel driver WRT GL graphics or

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