karmic trashed in Tomshardware.com

Patrick Goetz pgoetz at mail.utexas.edu
Mon Dec 7 23:13:15 UTC 2009

I've been out of the loop for a couple of months, so pardon me if this 
has already been discussed, but Karmic got thoroughly trashed in a 
TomsHardware.com review:


Some of these issues (system freezes when copying large files on ext4) 
I've never heard of before.

My personal gripes with karmic were finding out that fakeraid now 
doesn't work at all, a regression caused by grub2 
and that the network applet, nm-applet still doesn't work in a 
multi-user context:

Either of these is a deal killer for some significant fraction of users 
(e.g. dual booters or household shared PC users, respectively).

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