Terrible behavior of USB startup disk program

Robert George georger333 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 6 22:40:05 UTC 2009

Hello all, I am writing to the development list because of a horribly
designed piece of software, the usb startup disk creator. I was interested
in using this to create a startup disk for installing Linux systems, and saw
that it listed the external drive I used for backups by the partition.
Intrigued, I took a 1 GiB USB stick that was not getting much use and put
two empty partitions on it. I clicked the format button for one of these
partitions, and it formatted the entire disk, as I assumed it would,
although the behavior of the software makes it seem as if it is only going
to format a partition. While I avoided a huge annoyance of having to work at
recovering and possibly loosing some of my data, someone with lesser
knowledge or experience could have very easily erased their entire drive.
Additionally, clicking format brought up no warnings.
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