Firefox newly insists on showing an EULA

Mackenzie Morgan macoafi at
Mon Sep 15 16:07:55 UTC 2008

On Mon, 2008-09-15 at 14:12 +0300, Peteris Krisjanis wrote:
> Hi!
> IMHO, several ways to handle that:
> 1) Cave in to Mozilla request (Trademarks are trademarks. They are
> bitch and their protection are somehow incompatible with free
> software. But that's life)
> 2) Provide Iceweasel and rebrand it as Ubuntu Web browser, and provide
> easy way to install Firefox from universe. Those who will care will
> install it, OEMs will install it on new boxes by default anyway, and
> those who care about libre, will stay clean.
> 3) Ditch Firefox as default browser in Intrepid+1 and go on with
> Epiphany/Webkit. Still, provide easy way to install FF.
> One big point is that most users who would like to see Firefox as
> "familiar" brand are OEM users anyway - they will get their browser
> installed by support guys. Also Hardy still get FF 3.0 without EULA
> (so far), so propably not so much to worry about.

Giving out CDs for an early celebration of Software Freedom Day
yesterday, we were asked *very* often if Ubuntu had a web browser.
"Yes, Firefox" "Oh good, I use that on Windows."
#1: Same response, and they're used to click-throughs anyway
#2: We'd have to explain all the trademark stuff and they'd be wondering
why we're changing Firefox (hey, why is that anyway?), why anyone cares,
etc. having to go more into the messy legal stuff.
#3: "Yes, it's called Epiphany.  But Firefox is available too, if you're
used to that."  I guess we could say it's like Safari on a Mac since
it's the same rendering engine... 

I don't really like #3 because while I recognize that Webkit is a
*great* rendering engine, Firefox has a monopoly on extensions.  Hrm,
maybe there needs to be some mass attempt at migrating FF extensions to

Firefox is one of those big successful open source projects that we use
to introduce people to the idea of open source and to get them used to
what they'll be using on Linux before making "the big switch."  I think
the list of F/OSS-for-Windows that's most recognized is Firefox,, GIMP, and Pidgin.  

Mackenzie Morgan.
apt-get moo
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