Midnight Commander in 8.10

Jonathan Carter (highvoltage) jonathan at ubuntu.com
Wed Oct 29 15:18:50 UTC 2008

Hi Felix

Felix Miata wrote:
>> I haven't used MC since late 1990's and I can't really say I miss it! I
>> perform lots of file-managing tasks every day and I'm quite happy with
>> Nautilus.
> How nice for you that you've never had broken X, and never will have, and
> never will need to help someone else with broken X.

I'm sorry, but you seem to be missing the point. Firstly, there's not so
much argument about how useful mc is. mc powerful and useful to many.
I've been using it for quite a few things since 1999.

What you have to realise is that the space on the Ubuntu installation
disc is very, very limited. Every few releases, something very important
to a vast majority of users have to be dropped because of the growth of
all the applications. while mc is useful to many, it's certainly not
critical, and the average user will certainly not want to learn mc in
order to fix their X Server. By the way, how does mc fix X servers
anyway? You're hitting quite hard on that point and I'm not quite sure
how mc would make it easier for users to fix an X server. That's what
things like the failsafe X session are for, unless you're refering to
mcedit being a more intuitive editor for new users?


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