Surprises ...

Hervé Fache Herve at
Thu Oct 23 09:59:41 UTC 2008

I find this one ( quite
problematic for Kubuntu: Gwenview destroys EXIF info from JPEGs...


2008/10/23 Colin Watson <cjwatson at>:
> ... we'd rather not have any. Release preparation is a painstaking
> business! Please read this mail carefully.
> Right now, this is our list of release-critical bugs (that *must* be
> fixed or deferred before release):
> We're also paying a good deal of attention to the list that includes
> targets of opportunity as well:
> As we come up towards release, we need to be especially careful about
> managing these lists, and developers can help by making sure that they
> contain all the relevant bugs, and *only* the relevant bugs. Here are
> some general guidelines for release-relevant bug management:
>  * If you have an important bug on your plate that should be fixed for
>    8.10 final but that isn't on /ubuntu/intrepid/+bugs, then we need to
>    know about it NOW. Nominate or target it for the intrepid release
>    (depending on your privileges), and find a member of the
>    ubuntu-release team on IRC to acknowledge it. Depending on the size
>    of the package and the riskiness of the update, we may say no or
>    suggest some kind of alternative, but we'd much rather know than be
>    surprised.
>  * If you have any kind of upload to do before 8.10 final, then get it
>    into the upload queue *as soon as possible* (it will be held there
>    for approval). Anything uploaded later than the end of this week has
>    a substantially decreased chance of being accepted, as at the start
>    of next week we will need to lock down the archive completely for
>    final builds and testing, and there is little room for error.
>    As far as main and restricted go, this is generally only appropriate
>    for language packs and critical/high targeted bugs; contact the
>    ubuntu-release team in case of doubt. For universe and multiverse,
>    contact motu-release or the relevant flavour delegate (see
>    Resist the temptation to bundle non-release-critical fixes with your
>    upload; those increase both the risk of regressions and the risk
>    that the release team will say no.
>  * If the bug is on /ubuntu/intrepid/+bugs and isn't going to be fixed
>    in the 8.10 series at all (neither in the main release, nor in an
>    update) then mark the intrepid task "Won't Fix". If necessary,
>    Launchpad will create a new task filed against the relevant package
>    without a release when you do this.
>  * If the bug is on /ubuntu/intrepid/+bugs and won't be fixed in the
>    main 8.10 release, but is expected to be fixed in a post-release
>    update, then set the 'intrepid-updates' milestone.
>  * If the bug isn't going to be fixed for 8.10 but its presence is
>    likely to cause trouble for a significant number of users, then
>    consider whether it deserves a release note. If so, add a task on
>    the 'ubuntu-release-notes' project, and provide sample text if
>    possible (see my previous mail).
> Thanks,
> --
> Colin Watson                                       [cjwatson at]
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Colin Watson <cjwatson at> -- Debian developer
> ugNkRxyPA1ray7r1sm1KuEY=
> =JWB/
> --
> ubuntu-devel-announce mailing list
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