Joysticks/joypads/etc information needed for Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex and later

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Tue Oct 21 12:16:19 UTC 2008

Loïc Martin [2008-10-21 13:17 +0200]:
> However, at the moment the only way for an Intrepid user to get its 
> joystick recognised is to create an fdi file for his specific model of 
> joystick (I won't mention aditing xorg.conf since it's not really newbie 
> friendly)

I might misunderstand the actual problem here.

For myself, the problem is that joystick devices are created with
root:plugdev 0660 permissions, but we don't put the initial user into
the plugdev group any more. Joystick devices are meant to be covered
by the automatic hal ACL magic, but that's broken right now for the
reasons I mentioned.

The workaround is to put your user into the plugdev group, by using
System -> Settings -> Users and Groups, or "sudo adduser $user plugdev".

At least for me, joystick emulation in when installing
xserver-xorg-input-joystick works just fine. However, I heared reports
that it doesn't seem to work on amd64 installations. I don't know a
solution/workaround for that.

So which of those problems do you actually mean?

> > Instead, hal needs to be fixed to properly recognize joysticks, and
> > add the usual "local foreground user can access the device" ACL magic.
> >   
> Will that be added as an SRU for Intrepid

Yes, that sounds appropriate, once we actually have the solution
(primarily a matter of finding a developer with enough time to look
into it).

>, and in the meantime what can users do? 

Depends on the actual problem, see above.

Thank you!


Martin Pitt                        |
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (

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