No inverse searches for dvi files in ubuntu - please read!

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at
Sat Oct 4 13:00:36 UTC 2008

On Sat, 04 Oct 2008 14:44:30 +0200 Vincenzo Ciancia <ciancia at> 
>For the sake of other ubuntueros and texers out there, I just took the
>hardy packages for kviewshell and kdvi in order and installed them with
>gdebi, and it works.
>Intrepid is currently dropping a functionality which is necessary in
>scientific and academic environments, that is: inverse searches when
>using tex, using a modern and self-configured viewer. Two packages are
>missing from hardy that make this possible: kviewshell and kdvi.
>Intrepid needs to keep these packages until okular is capable of
>inverse searches. 
>Please developers comment - I am absolutely not convinced that things
>can remain as they are, as a researcher and ubuntu user (at the same
If it's an essential piece of functionality for you, then you should stay with Hardy.  While 
KDE 4.1 has a lot of really cool features, it is still does not have complete feature parity 
with KDE 3.5.

In some cases, we have kept KDE 3 versions of applications where it was technically feasible 
and the KDE 4 versions were not sufficiently mature.  In the case of kdpf/kdvi 
it just isn't possible.

I'm having some similar issues myself and the jury is still out on if I 
will stick with it or not.  Kubuntu Intrepid will not be for everyone.

Scott K

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